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5 products
Save $3.53 AUD
Gel Big Toe SpreaderSynxgeli Big Toe Spreader
Save $3.21 AUD
Gel Fabric Toe Sleeves - 2 packlady wearing a synxgeli fabric toe sleeve on her second toe ideal for reducing or preventing corns, callus, blisters, toe deformities & nail trauma
Save $1.60 AUD
Gel Little Toe Spreader - 2 packlady wearing synxgeli little toe spreader to separate the smaller toes, reducing corn & callus formation
Save $1.60 AUD
Gel Toe Separatorsvideo of synxgeli toe separators to treat corns between the toes or pain caused by overriding or crowding toes
Save $3.21 AUD
Gel Toe Sleeves - 2 packa man holding is foot with big toe wearing synxgeli large toe sleeve, ideal for treating, reducing or preventing corns, blisters and toe deformities