Cushion & Protect by Synxgeli

Extensive selection of gel products designed to cushion, safeguard, and provide relief for a diverse array of foot conditions

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23 products
Gel Power Insolesman wearing yellow tshirt inserting synxgeli power insole into sneaker to cushion, protect and relieve the soft tissue and joints
Synxgeli Gel Heel CushionsGel Heel Cushions
Gel Forefoot Cushionslady wearing a pair synxgeli forefoot cushions to treat blisters, neuromas, corns, calluses and ball of foot pain
Gel Bunion Sleeveslady wearing synxgeli bunion sleeve lying on a couch
Gel Bunion Shields - 2 packSynxgeli Bunion Shield
Gel Heel Socks - 2 packlady sitting by side of pool wearing synxgeli heel socks which are a barrier for bony deformities at the back of the heel and relieve dry cracked heels
Gel Toe Crests - 2 packGel Toe Crests - 2 pack
Gel Toe Sleeves - 2 packa man holding is foot with big toe wearing synxgeli large toe sleeve, ideal for treating, reducing or preventing corns, blisters and toe deformities
Gel Toe Separatorsvideo of synxgeli toe separators to treat corns between the toes or pain caused by overriding or crowding toes
Gel Big Toe SpreaderSynxgeli Big Toe Spreader
Gel Little Toe Spreader - 2 packlady wearing synxgeli little toe spreader to separate the smaller toes, reducing corn & callus formation
Gel Fabric Toe Sleeves - 2 packlady wearing a synxgeli fabric toe sleeve on her second toe ideal for reducing or preventing corns, callus, blisters, toe deformities & nail trauma
Gel Tailor's Bunion Shields - 2 packvideo of synxgeli Tailor's Bunion Shields for bunion deformities and overlapping fourth & fifth toes
Moleskin Protectors for Callus, Blisters & Bunionslady wearing synxgeli moleskin protectors for callus, blisters and bunions
Corn Foam CushionsFoam Cushions for Callus & Pressure Spots
Foam Cushions for Corns & Plantar WartsFoam Cushions for Corns & Plantar Warts
Foam Heel Gripsa lady holding a synxgeli heel grip about to place in her white sneaker to prevent rubbing on the heel
Foam Heel Grips
Sale price9.99 AUD
Synxgeli Gel Invisi Arch Pad TrioGel Invisi Arch Pad Trio
Gel Ball of Foot Cushion with Toe LoopSynxgeli Ball of Foot Cushion with Toe Loop
Synxgeli Moleskin Anti-Friction RollSynxgeli Moleskin Anti-Friction Roll
Synxgeli High Heel PillowsSynxgeli High Heel Pillows
Gel High Heel Pillows
Sale price9.99 AUD
Synxgeli Gel Toe WrapsSynxgeli Gel Toe Wraps
Gel Toe Wraps
Sale price17.99 AUD
Synxgeli Gel Toe StabilisersSynxgeli Gel Toe Stabilisers
Gel Toe Stabilisers
Sale price21.99 AUD