Sole Wellness Podcast EP 20 : The Secret to Looking Young Naturally? What Acupuncture Could Do For You with Dr Gregory Dunn Smith

Sole Wellness Podcast EP 20 : The Secret to Looking Young Naturally? What Acupuncture Could Do For You with Dr Gregory Dunn Smith

Why Botox won’t make you look younger, what to try instead?

On this episode of the Sole Wellness Podcast, I chat with the incredible Dr. Gregory Dunn Smith, an expert in acupuncture, holistic wellbeing, and mental health.
Sole Wellness Podcast EP 19 : The Superhuman Protocol & Bio-Optimisation: How Can You Use it to Hack Your Health! With Dr David Lipman Reading Sole Wellness Podcast EP 20 : The Secret to Looking Young Naturally? What Acupuncture Could Do For You with Dr Gregory Dunn Smith 2 minutes

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Have you heard about acupuncture but don’t understand why anyone would willingly put needles into their body? 

Joining me on this episode is Dr. Gregory Dunn Smith, an acupuncture expert who incorporates counselling, mental health and holistic wellbeing practices into his clinic. 

This is such an incredible episode as Dr. Gregory chats all about how we can use acupuncture to balance hormones and menopause, and why it might just be the secret to looking young. Plus, he shares insights on his most commonly asked questions -  how to know if acupuncture is right for you and how to find a qualified practitioner.

In this episode you’ll hear:

👟 How Dr. Gregory keeps his skin looking flawless at 43

👟 The problem with Botox and why it won't keep you looking young forever

👟The most common age-related health issues that acupuncture can easily address!

👟 Dr. Gregory’s revolutionary approach to healing and what we can bring into our own lives

… and SO much more.

Want to learn more? Follow Dr. Gregory over on IG @gregorydunnsmith or @ausacu

And check out his practice at

Watch the YouTube Version of the Podcast  - Sole Wellness Podcast on Youtube 

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And if you want to see more of the behind the scenes OR you loved the episode let us know over at @synxbody

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